What Sort of Extracurriculars Will Look Good on My Application?

The best extracurriculars will be the ones in which you showed increasing interest, continued longitudinally for at least a few semesters, and possibly took on a leadership role.  You must also engage in some activities that are clinically related, to demonstrate your desire and passion about your career choice.  Any activity should appeal to you and allow you to speak to why it was special to you or how it helped you grow as a person.  This could be participation in a service organization, student government, residential advising, or Greek life.  It may include intramural or varsity sports or participation in the arts.  Even those activities that you just like doing, such as cooking, running, weightlifting, etc. can be listed, as it makes you more well-rounded and gives you something to discuss.

What Sort of Clinical Activity Should I Do?

Any type of clinical activity is good, and what you do is not as important as demonstrating that you are consistent with it over time.  This could be working as a patient transporter, nurse’s aide, EMT, registration tech, or working/volunteering in a nursing home.  Serving in a role over the course of time shows that you have a genuine interest and commitment to your job.

When Should I Start Looking for a Clinical Position?

It can take some time to apply, interview, get background checked, and go through the paperwork process, so the sooner the better.  If you want to find a job for the summer, you should start looking by March at the latest.

How Do I Find a Position in a Hospital as a Volunteer?

Check online at the various hospital websites.  They will almost always have a page for those interested in volunteering.  Each hospital has specific needs and requirements.  You should then apply for those positions and follow up if you have not heard from them within a month or two.

What if I am already an Emergency Medical Technician – Can I Work in the Area?

Remember that you will need a Missouri license or have gained reciprocity.  Check this website to determine your eligibility – Reciprocity | Emergency Medical Services | Health & Senior Services (mo.gov).  Many EMS agencies in the area will hire EMTs and Paramedics on a part time basis, but you will have to reach out to each one individually for requirements and availability.

What if I Just Don’t Have Time for Extracurriculars?

Every situation is going to be different for each person.  Is this because you have a family you need to support?  Speak to your Prehealth advisor about how best to list this on your application – this a “full-time” extracurricular experience.  Is it because your class load is too heavy?  Again, you should speak to your advisor if you need such a heavy class load and how to balance your schedule.  Is it because you are a varsity athlete?  Again, this would be considered an extracurricular and the amount of time you are spending in your sport would qualify as an activity and leadership.  Discuss with your advisor the best route to take.