How Important is the GPA?
The GPA is one aspect of the student’s portfolio, but it is a major component. Along with the MCAT, it can be used as a screening tool by medical schools for offering interviews. When applying to a school, the student should be realistic in their competitiveness based on their GPA and the school’s published metrics.
What is a “Good” GPA?
Just like the MCAT score, the medical school will use the GPA in concert with the MCAT and the rest of the application when deciding whether to offer an interview or grant acceptance to a student. If the GPA is strong, but the rest of the application is weak (a 4.0 GPA with few activities, few leadership skills, poor essays), the GPA alone will not be enough to overcome those weaknesses. Over the last number of years, the average GPA for matriculating students was in the 3.6-3.7 range overall, 3.6-3.7 range for the science GPA, and approximately 3.8 for the non-science GPA. Wash U does have a slight “reputation bump” among medical schools that allow a little leeway in the GPA. It is understood that Wash U has a very rigorous pre-med curriculum with little grade inflation, meaning that our students do well even with scores that might be below the national average.
What if I Had a Less-Than-Stellar Start to College Grade-wise?
Schools will take into consideration an upward trend in grades, as some students do have more difficulty adjusting to college. Improvement shows that the student can learn and alter their habits accordingly. Capacity for Improvement is one of the core pre-medical competencies defined by the AAMC.
What if I Just Do Not Have a Good GPA?
If your GPA is low (below 3.3), you may have more difficulty being admitted to medical school the first time. You should review your entire portfolio with your Prehealth advisor to determine the next best action and how to improve your competitiveness before and during your first application cycle.
Should I Retake a Course in Which I Received a Poor Grade?
This is dependent on the course and your ability to improve. Remember that all grades will be reported, so your GPA will still be an average. Most often, the advice is to not retake a course, but to do well in an upper level course. Withdrawals are acceptable, as long as there are not many of them. A withdrawal appears better than having failed a course. Consult your prehealth advisor, or if you have not yet been assigned a prehealth advisor, go to prehealth Drop-in Advising. Drop-in hours are listed on the prehealth website.
Should I Take Summer Courses at a Less Competitive Institution?
One or two courses can be taken at another institution (such as a university close to home over the summer), but the course should be of an equivalent level/difficulty as a WashU course (such as a science course with lab). However, this should be done in moderation and you should be able to discuss your reasoning behind it if asked during an interview. That said, holistic review is real; talk with your prehealth advisor about your specific circumstances and what path would be best for you.