First, complete the noncredit Canvas course, A Reflective Guide for Prehealth Students. The self-enrollment link is found on the prehealth website,
After you have completed the Reflective Guide, you will be assigned a prehealth advisor. Your prehealth advisor would love to get to know you and help you develop a timeline for developing your portfolio of experiences, scheduling the MCAT, and preparing to apply.
In the academic year before you will apply, you will need to complete the Ready to Apply to Medical School noncredit Canvas course. The self-enrollment link can be found on the Prehealth website. The Ready to Apply course MUST be completed by end of the February before you will apply. This is a hard deadline. Students who do not meet this deadline will not receive an institutional letter of endorsement.

You will need faculty recommendations for medical school – two science and one non-science. Start getting to know some faculty now. Even if those are the people you ask for letters, connecting with faculty is a skill that will get easier with practice. Your recommenders will eventually submit their letters directly to the MyPreHealth portal.

More information is available on the Prehealth website, in the Resources section of your MyPrehealth account, and in our Prehealth Canvas courses.