MedPrep II Attendance Policy
MedPrep II is a pass/fail course with no homework or exams
Class attendance is required
Students will be permitted 2 absences to use for any reason (not including the first class, which cannot be missed for any reason)
No prior no permission is required to take either of the two allowed absences
More than two absences may result in a grade of F in the course
Attendance is taken using iClicker (a free account is all that is needed)
IMPORTANT: Falsifying attendance by signing in and leaving, signing in another
student, or signing in outside of the classroom, will result in the filing of an academic integrity report on the involved student(s) and a grade of F in the course. Please do not do this! You will have 2 absences that you can use for any reason.
- Students are required to complete one four-hour shift every other week
- While attendance during your shadowing shift is taken on an honors basis, spot checks are performed in order to confirm students are present for their shifts
- Students who fail to show for a shadowing shift risk failing the course
- Student must complete a total of 5 shifts to pass this course