MedPrep II (Bio 2964, previously 2654)

Course Dates: 8/25/25 – 12/1/25
Classes will be held on the following Mondays:
8/25/25 (5:30-7:20 pm) – 2 hours – Mandatory attendance (cannot take course if absent)
Remainder of classes are: 5:30-6:20 pm on: 9/8, 9/25, 10/13, 10/27, 11/10, 12/1

Last day of shadowing: 12/5/25
Classroom location: TBA
Shadowing: 4 hours every other week (shadowing every week is permitted, space permitting)
Course credit: 1 Credit, Pass/Fail
Exam schedule: No exams
Attendance: Required for all sessions
Class limit: 75 students

Step 1: Check Your Eligibility

To be eligible for MedPrep II for the Fall 2025 semester you must:

  • Have completed MedPrep I (Bio 2651) in a prior semester 
  • Be a full-time WashU undergraduate or a student enrolled in the WashU Post-Bac Premed Program
  • Not be concurrently enrolled in PEMRAP I (Bio 2965, previously Bio 2652) or PEMRAP II (Bio 2968, previously Bio 2658)

Step 2: Register Here (not in Workday Student)

Registration for MedPrep II will take place here according to the following schedule:

April 15 at 9 am: Postbacs and Undergraduate students graduating in December 2025
April 16 at 9 am: Undergraduate students graduating in the Class of 2026
April 17 at 9 am: Undergraduate students graduating in the Class of 2027
April 18 at 9am: Undergraduate students graduating in the Class of 2028

If you have secured a spot in the course, you must complete the next 2 steps within 30 days to retain your spot in the course. The course coordinator will submit a final roster to the College Office after everyone has turned in their TB test results and HIPAA certificates. The College Office will manually register those students. DO NOT SUBMIT AN OVERRIDE REQUEST IN WORKDAY AS WE CANNOT ACCEPT THOSE. Those who have been waitlisted should wait until they have been notified that a spot has opened up before completing the final two steps. 

Step 3 – Complete TB testing within 30 days

Step 4 & 5 may be completed in any order

Submit the results of QuantiFERON®-TB Gold test within 30 days of registration

Click here for details

Step 4 – Complete HIPAA training within 30 days

Step 4 & 5 may be completed in any order

Email Erin Gerrity the HIPAA completion certificate within 30 days of registration

If your HIPAA training was done more than 1 year from the start of this course you must repeat the training

To complete the training log in using your WUSTL key and password and click on “Enroll”

Finish Here – Read This!

Because of the enormous interest in this course, Steps 4 and 5 must be completed within 30 days of registration or one’s spot in the course will be forfeited and given to the next person on the wait list.

Attendance at the first class on August 25th is absolutely required to continue in this course. This session runs from 5:30-7:20 pm and will not be repeated. Excused absences will not be given for any reason, including illness or emergency.